User Testimonial

We are pleased to see our users are growing well with us. Let’s see what they talk about and their process

My experience with HAVVA VT system has been very fulfilling in my journey towards growing own vegetables for my family. I started, with the help of Shu Hua of HAVVA by firstly asking lots of questions. She’s so helpful and has good knowledge, patience, and appreciation of the work done to get the VT system up and running.


Few months ago, my sister told me about this Havva Grower360. This system saves space and is suitable for people who live in an apartment. Not only that, it is designed in such a way mosquitoes have no chance to breed in the water.They also have an incredible support team to guide you step by step how to grow your vegetables and they follow up every couple of days to make sure your plants grow healthily.

Anne Wong

Over the years HAVVA has very good customer support. They help me to solve all the problems on how to grow vegetables using the HAVVA 140. I had grown many types of vegetables using this system such as kangkung, bayam merah and hijau, sawi as well as herbs like pepper mint and basil. I like the design very much as I can sow the seeds and later transfer the seedlings to the holes.

Pua Yoke Fang

刚接触到HAVVA 60H全新种植系统,一直以来都对种植蛮有兴趣的我,就在机缘巧合在fb上看到HAVVA 60H,由于家里空间实在是非常有限,对于喜欢种植的我,60H全新系统是直立式水耕真的是可以大大解决空间有限的问题,二来60H是属于水耕式不需要那么麻烦像以前使用泥土种植,除了施肥还要定时浇水,相对起来真的很方便,大大解决又要种植又时间不是很充足的我,目前接触水耕法还是新人,在没有经验之下,HAVVA非常贴心的有专人一对一教导如何把水耕种植的更加好,可以减少走很多弯路,可以看到自己种植的蔬菜发芽到收成的确很有满足感,同时家人或自己可以吃到自己亲手种植的健康无农药蔬菜的确很幸福美好

Kenneth Soo

MCO 期间,妹妹开始学种菜,土壤种菜,开始长苗的时候,一天早上起来,一看,全部叶子给蜗牛做了早餐,好伤心,看到她这么难过,我就上脸书看看别人是如何种菜的,偶然发现还有水培这样的种植法,别笑我哦,这之前的我,就是种菜白痴,完全不喜欢种菜,也不去看妹妹如何种菜,这水培种植法,让我开始有了一些好奇心,就试试看吧,一试就中毒了,哉了下去了,爬不起来了,刚开始,从一无所知,到终于有一些成绩,这期间,全靠背后指导我的小姐姐,我是被这位小姐姐的非常好的耐心和爱心,还是这么久以来都在关心我的种植问题,从来都是,不管你有问题还是没问题,都会联系你,关心你,今年我都超过60岁了,也是我第一次遇到一个这么有耐心的导师,知道我为什么叫她小姐姐吗?她让我感觉,我们是她的学生,她就像一个小姐姐那样,爱护着她的小学生,感动吧,还有就是,孙女每个星期都会想回外婆家,说要帮外婆收割呢!看她快乐的收割,我也忙着培苗,生怕赶不及给我的宝贝孙女收割,现在老公也会帮我洗系统,帮我把菜苗放上系统,搞到好像全家人都参于一起种植了!感恩,让我后半辈子,有了一个新的目标🤗



在一个偶然的机会,我发現了一个已被证实的秘籍,只要愿意付出少許,我就可以不必到深山尋神仙传授功夫。馬上二話不說报名參加Havva 的鱼菜供生课程。正所謂买他人的经验,可让自己少走許多冤枉路且投资我自已的惱子該是最重要的咯,虽然有些老了。😂😂


Chaw Hian Lo

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